The Translator mean the other software? If so, I used eudic to look up the before, and when you use it , you need to copy the word first and eudic will display the translation or dictionary. It work fairly good, but can't export to anki
If it mean the Translator in the lookupper, it works well, it recognice the word, but the lookupper dictionary jump into another word.
So now I use lookupper in Supermemo several times, and the Lookupper had 80% roughly to look up the word correctly, and some word that I look up it would make it wrong again and again in Supermemo, but if I copy the word to other place, it work perfectly.
a), For now exporting time is all right, just mention that maybe it could be a problem later.
b), I already find that the English and Finnish words being exported into one deck. But that because if I use Finnish for the Source text language, the lookupper dictionary would display in Finnish, though the translator is in English, so like I say, If I use English for the Source text language, it would be better for looking up the Finnish word, bcause the the dictionary would display in English. But all of this may just because it don't have a English- Finnish dictionary.
Also, like you say, the export in the same deck with two language may be a bug. like the picture below, it do have two deck, but just because the source text language is different, not bcasic on the word's language that detected. And my lookupper is the latest version (1.2.8, I think).